
Vote on Transportation Corridor Should Be Regional One

As a party to the litigation concerning the transportation corridor initiative in Irvine, the Industrial League of Orange County agrees that the community’s voters should have a voice on whether the planned new freeways should be built and how they should be financed.

Contrary to the suggestion in your editorial (Aug. 4), we have no objections to putting the matter on the ballot. Our principal concern is that the measure that is finally placed on the ballot is within a constitutional framework. We have filed suit not to “block” any such election but to make certain that, if held, it has meaning and purpose.

It is not our intention to argue the legal merits of the case in this response. The courts are the appropriate forum and we intend to make our case there. But we do wish to clarify our position.


We believe the transportation corridors, much like water supply and sewage disposal, are inherently regional in nature and have statewide significance. Considering the multijurisdictional impact, we do not believe ordinances such as the Irvine initiative ordinance should be used to frustrate regional public facilities.

In this case, 10 cities and the County of Orange have cooperated to plan and finance the transportation corridors that will serve hundreds of thousands of Orange County residents. The vast majority of these people will have no opportunity to vote. If a vote is to be held, everybody affected should have the right to vote and to be heard on whether the corridors should be built and whether future development--rather than present taxpayers--should pay for them. To do otherwise would be unfair.

In reference to the many initiative petition-signers, your editorial noted: “When that many residents indicate their desire to be able to vote on a spending issue, responsive representatives should make every effort to give them that opportunity.”


We agree--but let it be a meaningful opportunity.


Executive Director

Industrial League of Orange County
