
All Dolled Up With Someplace to Go

Silent but smiling, they arrived by Starlight limo, all 24 of them, for Tujunga’s wedding of the year. Dressed, curried, pressed, plumped and propped for the occasion, the attendants at the nuptials of Petit Chou and Lief Garden left in the arms of their new parents. And everyone was the richer for it, particularly the Sunair Home for Asthmatic and Diabetic Children.

“It’s the first time in 100 years that the family has been sold after the wedding,” confessed Lindee Danjoy, who organized the affair for the benefit of Sunair, a rustic corner in Tujunga where asthmatic and diabetic children learn to cope with their afflictions.

The home is short of funds--albeit about $700 less so after the wedding--but long on imagination. Petit and Lief, now Mr. and Mrs. Garden, are dolls. So is the wedding party, now scattered about after being auctioned off.


Chorus of Kids

With an outrageously enthusiastic chorus of kids from Le Petit Repertory Theater caroling appropriate tunes (“I’m Late for a Very Important Date”), the bride and bridegroom were carried to the altar (doll weddings are borne, not made).

The aisle was adorned with floral arrangements from Conroy as well as assorted melons, carrots, radishes, squash and peppers consonant with the couple’s religious affiliation: Vegetarian.

Of necessity, Petit and Lief took the vows--read by Danjoy, owner of the dating service The Private “I”--sitting down.


Future Raffle Announced

Councilman Howard Finn then served as auctioneer (coaxing an egregious $100 for a Cyndi Lauper look-alike). A future raffle for the happy couple was announced (to get in on it, call Sunair at (818) 352-1461), and the guests adjourned to a festive table graced by a sybaritic cake, courtesy of Bea’s Bakery.

Everything, in fact, was courtesy of somebody. There was a lot of courtesy going on at Sunair. A lot of love, too, at the altar and beyond.
