
Aetna to Tighten Limits on Smoking by Employees

Associated Press

Aetna Life & Casualty Co., one of the nation’s largest insurance companies, plans to implement an employee no-smoking policy next month that could result in the firing of employees who repeatedly smoke in prohibited areas.

Non-smokers’ needs will prevail as smoking will be prohibited in most common areas, including stairwells, elevators, restrooms, lobbies and classrooms, as well as in some work areas.

“As a life and health insurer, Aetna has an interest in fostering an awareness of health and safety,” Robert F. Phillips, vice president for corporate personnel, wrote last month in an interoffice memo to Aetna officials nationwide, obtained by Associated Press.


“By acknowledging that smoking is one of the biggest yet most controllable health hazards and by adopting a policy that will restrict smoking, Aetna demonstrates its support for and commitment to promoting a healthy work environment.”

The new guidelines affecting more than 40,000 employees are to take affect Sept. 3, according to the July 17 memo that Phillips sent to Aetna’s officers, department heads, vice presidents, general agents and general managers.

An Aetna spokeswoman said Wednesday that existing policy encouraged accommodation, but the company “wanted to go one step further.”


“A non-smoker will now have the right to say, ‘I can’t stand it. Stop smoking,’ ” said Elizabeth Krupnick, a senior communications specialist.

With regard to the possible termination of repeat violators, Krupnick cautioned that “it is not in the spirit of this policy at all to start firing smokers.”
