
Going to the Mat for an Aid to the Bath

Bettye Yockey of 29 Palms is looking for a replacement for a pink 18x31-inch bath mat. She wrote to Rubbermaid, but they no longer make this mat, which is of top quality. Can you go to the mat for Yockey before she’s all wet, or will this be another request that goes down the drain?

Mrs. Philip Federgreen of Palm Desert is trying to locate a triangular-shape wastebasket , which she wants to place in one corner of her kitchen. So far, she’s wasted a lot of time in her search. Can you help before Federgreen feels that she’s being backed into a corner, or will she be convinced that the entire episode is just pure rubbish?

Betty Carlyle of Calimesa, along with her friends Shirley and Bill Noll, has been searching all the markets in her area for Tender Leaf tea bags, but to no avail. According to Procter & Gamble, the manufacturer, the product is still being manufactured, but where is there a source in her area? Can you help before Carlyle has to turn over a new leaf, or will she be left holding the bag?


Reader-to-Reader Help Line: Kate at (818) 352-7229 is desperately trying to locate some 7-inch piano rolls that fit a Pianolodeon miniature player piano. These rolls are no longer being manufactured. Please help before Kate’s despair reaches a crescendo and see to it that she’s on a roll again. . . . Jane at (818) 995-1390 or 995-1333 is looking for a Revlon lipstick called Charlie in Goldfast Brown 75. She can no longer find the color, and salespeople don’t know what happened to it, either. Please help bring a smile to Jane’s lips.

Note: The Reader-to-Reader Help Line is for one-time items and for products that are no longer available in stores. You must give us written permission to publish your telephone number so other readers may contact you directly.

Mrs. J. Rosemond of San Juan Capistrano, who was looking for a cane seat, reports that she was able to obtain one from a Corona del Mar reader. “The seat surpassed even our wildest expectation,” she wrote. “It was purchased in Ireland for the golf matches and it is beautiful.” For others interested in such a seat, here are sources:


Kay Ryan of Brea says that Hanover House, Hanover, Pa. 17034, sells a seat that folds up for $9.98. Dorothy Colchester of Laguna Hills says she obtained a beautiful cane seat with rubber-tipped legs from the Hill Rest Seat Co., Eastbourne, Sussex, England. And Bob Gomez of Los Angeles says he has a cane seat.

Another reader who has been helped is Jean Preish of San Clemente, who was looking for an old-fashioned flour sifter. Preish reports that Harriet Kearney of Los Angeles, who was about to move, gave her 50-year-old sifter to her friend Lillian Stueck of San Juan Capistrano and told her to track Preish down--no simple task, since we had provided no address. Now everyone is happy. For others who are looking for the old-fashioned flour sifters, here are some sources: The Vermont Outlet, 2929 S. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, from owner Mrs. John Samore; Sav-on Drugs, from Mrs. P.J. of City of Industry; Safeway, from Evelyn Grammer, Los Angeles, and the Gourmet Shop in New Orleans Square, Disneyland (from Charra Demarco, Irvine).

Herb Hain cannot answer mail personally but will, space permitting, respond in this column to readers who have--or need--helpful information. Write (do not telephone) to You Can Help!, You section, the Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles 90053.
