
Campaign on Teen Pregnancies

Since when did the three major networks ever refuse to air anything that wasn’t controversial? No, the point is that birth control messages aren’t sensational. Sex sells millions, but this aspect won’t . . . right?

Sadly enough, these messages, if aired by the three major networks could have reached those people who plop themselves in front of the TV and watch all the glamorous actresses and actors engage in sexual relations seemingly without a care in the world.

As an educator who has faced the reality of unwanted, unplanned pregnancies with students as young as 13, I would place a bet that if an unnecessary pregnancy hits their homes, those big-wheeling network bureaucrats who won’t take the advice of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists would without question change their minds.


Come on, NBC, CBS, and ABC, pride yourselves on being intelligent and factually informative networks that have the chance to reach millions. These message spots are vitally needed, and could make people think before they slide between the sheets without precautionary measures.

There is nothing wrong with intelligent sex, and you, the media, have that opportunity to influence the nation before the welfare lines and state medical bills bulge as well as the stomachs of thousands who never thought it could happen to them, until beyond hope, before overpopulation becomes the crippling statistic in this country.

How disappointing. I thought our country, our state, our television media were more progressive and intelligent than others. It appears that the “Big Three” didn’t give their decision to bring about public awareness much thought.



