
Desert Properties Divided by Two Development Firms

A division of desert properties has been announced by developers Raymond A. Watt, chairman of the board of Watt Industries Inc., and Elizabeth G. Williams, president of Watt Industries/Palm Springs, a subsidiary of Watt Industries.

The Desert Princess Country Club and Resort and the Deauville of Palm Springs will remain under the Watt Industries/Palm Springs banner while the Desert Breezes of Palm Desert will be transferred to the E. G. Williams Co. Inc. Williams recently formed her own development company with headquarters in Palm Desert.

Despite the division, work will proceed, in fact, it will be accelerated, on the next increment of condominiums at the Desert Princess Country Club and Resort, where 1,020 condominiums are planned. Trenching is under way for 310 units at the Desert Princess, and construction is expected to start soon on 96 units at the Deauville.
