
Local News in Brief : 10 Members Added to Airport Noise Panel

Burbank Airport officials on Monday more than doubled the size of a policy advisory committee formed to recommend steps to reduce the impact of noise on San Fernando Valley residents.

The Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airport Authority will invite 10 political representatives to join nine members already named to the committee. The panel, acting as part of a federally funded study of noise problems, is expected to help determine what policies can be adopted to reduce noise. Possible measures include condemning or soundproofing homes and schools, and changing zoning regulations.

The airport authority agreed to expand membership of the committee at the suggestion of several commissioners, who requested that all residents affected by noise be represented by their governing officials. Recommendations by the committee will be submitted to the airport authority and Federal Aviation Administration for approval.


The airport authority at first invited the cities of Los Angeles, Burbank, Glendale and Pasadena, Los Angeles County and four congressional representatives to serve on the committee. Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley appointed Councilman Howard Finn to the post.

The authority also agreed Monday to invite representatives of five local members of the state Assembly, three state senators, and Los Angeles City Councilmen Ernani Bernardi and Joel Wachs to participate on the committee.
