
Dispute Over Secretary Cited After Judges Fire Court Clerk

James B. Harris, the head of the South Orange County Municipal Court clerk’s office, has been fired by the court’s three judges, his attorney said Monday, apparently as a result of a dispute over the hiring of a secretary.

Harris, 50, who was hired in 1969, probably will file a lawsuit against the judges and the county by the end of the month, according to the attorney, John W. Prager Jr..

Both Harris and Presiding Judge Pamela Isles were on vacation and unavailable for comment.

The apparent basis for the termination, Prager said, was Harris’ refusal last March 4 to approve Isles’ choice of a particular secretary.


The lawyer said state law requires the clerk to fill vacancies and the rules adopted by a judges’ personnel committee require the clerk to decide hiring criteria and methods for hiring.

Last June, Isles and Judge Richard Hamilton, who hired Harris, voted to seek his resignation or early retirement or, if he refused to leave voluntarily by last Thursday, to dismiss him. Judge Blair Barnette voted to keep Harris. A fourth judgeship position is vacant.

Prager said Harris’ due process and free speech rights were violated. Earlier this month, Harris was offered an opportunity for a hearing, which he refused.


Harris had said earlier he planned to retire at the end of the year and the forced retirement would mean a “substantial” cut in benefits.
