
20-Pound Ice Cube Whistles Out of Sky, Crashes Into Home

A 20-pound chunk of ice came whistling out of the pre-dawn sky today and crashed through the roof of Claudette Walker’s home in Pomona, landing in the center of the living room and hurtling shards of ice everywhere.

Walker and her husband, Willie, were in their bedroom at about 1:30 a.m. when a “large boom” that shook the entire house awakened them.

“Why it was my house I just can’t imagine,” a shaken Walker said. “It’s all very weird. Even the firemen said so.”


Authorities theorize the ice chunk fell from a plane. “We can assume it didn’t come from a bird,” Pomona Fire Capt. Rob Hecht said.

A neighbor later told Walker she was just returning home when she heard a loud whistling sound, looked to the sky and saw a funny glow. She kept on going home. “She didn’t say anything because she didn’t want anybody to think she was crazy,” Walker said.
