
Local News in Brief : Tujunga Wash Flood Project Is Approved

A$720,000 construction project to significantly reduce the flood hazard to homes and two bridges on Little Tujunga Wash north of Hansen Dam has been approved by the county Board of Supervisors.

The county plans to deepen the wash by five feet, excavating 71,000 cubic feet of material from nine acres north of the Foothill Boulevard and Foothill Freeway bridges, which cross the wash.

In addition, a three-foot layer of smooth grouted stone will be installed underneath the bridges to help water flow. The smooth surfaces are expected to alleviate blocking of the wash with silt during winter runoff.


Tom Tidemanson, county director of public works, said there are many homes in the flood plain. He said improvements to the wash should be completed before the winter flood season.

The project is being financed by the county, the Army Corps of Engineers, the state Department of Transportation and the City of Los Angeles.
