
Fountain Valley : Reagan Invited to Thanksgiving Rally

Because President Reagan will be at his Santa Barbara ranch over the Thanksgiving holiday, the organizers of a Vietnamese rally at Mile Square Park to show support for the United States think it will be a simple matter for him to put in an appearance.

“It would take just a few minutes for him to fly by helicopter from Santa Barbara to Fountain Valley. We have great hope that he will speak that day,” said Chieu Minh Pham, director of “Thanks America,” a two-day event scheduled to begin Nov. 29.

He said that about 2,000 Vietnamese and American veterans are expected to participate and that guests will include Orange County Supervisor Thomas Riley and California Reps. William E. Dannemeyer (R-Fullerton), Daniel E. Lungren (R-Long Beach) and Robert K. Dornan (R-Garden Grove).


Pham, who is a counselor at Cal State Long Beach and president of the Vietnamese-American Mutual Assistance Society, sent out a long list of invitations for the first-ever event. In addition to Reagan, Vice President George Bush, former Presidents Richard M. Nixon, Jimmy Carter and Gerald R. Ford, Gen. William Westmoreland, House Speaker Thomas P. (Tip) O’Neill (D-Mass.), Gov. George Deukmejian and Rep. Jack Kemp (R-N.Y.) have been invited. None have confirmed appearances yet, he said.

“Thanks America” will begin at 6 p.m. Nov. 29 with music, dancing and a martial arts presentation. A “memory book” will be distributed, featuring articles and photos depicting the Vietnam War and the 10 years of resettlement of refugees. About 55,000 Vietnamese live in Orange County.

Nov. 30 will feature presentations and speeches beginning at 10 a.m. Admission will be free.
