
LOS ANGELES COUNTY - News from Aug. 28, 1985

Sierracin Corp., a Sylmar-based aerospace and electronics company, said it has removed Peter K. Maeussnest from his duties as president and chief operating officer of the company’s aerospace group.

A Sierracin spokesman said Maeussnest’s job was assumed on a temporary basis several weeks ago by Christopher Tribull, the company’s chairman and chief executive. Both the spokesman and Maeussnest declined to give a reason for the change.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. Aug. 29, 1985 FOR THE RECORD
Los Angeles Times Thursday August 29, 1985 Home Edition Business Part 4 Page 2 Column 3 Financial Desk 1 inches; 19 words Type of Material: Correction
The name of Sierracin Corp. Chairman Christoph Tribull was incorrectly published in some editions Wednesday due to an editing error.

In May, Sierracin announced that it would reduce Maeussnest’s role from oversight of the company’s nine divisions to that of just its four aerospace units.


Maeussnest, 45, had joined Sierracin in November, 1981.
