
Montebello : Council Gives Itself a 68% Pay Increase

City Council members have approved a 68% pay increase for themselves and a 6.8% raise for the city administrator.

In a 3-2 vote, the council raised members’ monthly salaries from $295 to $495 effective Dec. 10. City staff members said it was the council’s first raise in nine years. Under state law, members of city councils are permitted to receive $500 a month. Members of the Montebello council also receive a $150-a-month expense allowance.

Councilmen Phillip Ramos and William Nighswonger, who are up for reelection in November, voted against the increases.


City Administrator Joseph Goeden’s salary was increased from $67,344 to $71,928--or 6.8%--with fringe benefits bringing the total increase to about 10%, said Richard Torres, assistant to Goeden.

Goeden’s salary was last raised in 1984, from $55,152 to $67,344.
