
Ventura County to Get 1st Freeway Call Box

Ventura County’s first freeway call box will be placed near the southbound lanes of U.S. 101, on the Conejo grade.

Installation of the solar-powered call box, for use by motorists in emergencies, is due to be completed by Sept. 20, according to county officials. A 356-box system throughout the county’s six freeways is scheduled for completion in 2 1/2 years.

The call-box system, costing about $1.5 million, will have a radio telephone tuned to the California Highway Patrol office in Ventura. Each box is powered by a solar cell during the day and a battery at night. The solar cell recharges the battery.


According to County Supervisor Ed Jones, the use of a solar cell and radio has reduced costs by 25%, compared to a system that requires the laying of electricity and telephone lines to individual boxes.

When the entire system is completed, the call boxes will be placed at half-mile intervals on U.S. 101 and California highways 1, 23, 33, 118 and 126.
