

Times Staff Writer

Appointed Marilyn E. Murata-Demetre of Redondo Beach to the Workers Compensation Appeals Board. A Republican, Murata-Demetre replaces Robert E. Burton of San Francisco, whose term expired. She is the safety and health manager for the City of Inglewood. The job pays $72,456 a year and requires Senate confirmation.

Assembly Floor Action:

Olympic Bonuses: Approved and sent to the governor on an 80-0 vote a bill (AB 105) by Assembly Speaker Willie Brown (D-San Francisco) to remove a legal cloud over $2.6 million in bonuses given by the Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee to outstanding volunteer workers at the 1984 Games.

Pay Equity: Approved 44 to 32 a bill (SB 2) by Senate President Pro Tem David A. Roberti (D-Los Angeles) to create a commission on pay equity to look into salary differences between male and female state employees. It now returns to the Senate for consideration of Assembly amendments. The governor vetoed a similar measure last year.


Senate Floor Action:

Bicycle Radio Headsets: Approved on a 23-8 vote a bill (AB 522) by Assemblyman Jack O’Connell (D-Carpenteria) to prohibit bicycle riders from wearing radio headsets while on streets and highways. Bicycle paths would be exempted. Violations would be punishable by fines. It now returns to the Assembly for consideration of Senate amendments.

Rapid Transit: Approved 23 to 6 a bill (AB 76) by Assemblyman Frank Vicencia (D-Bellflower) to let the Southern California Rapid Transit District purchase rail cars and up to 40 methanol-powered buses by negotiation rather than competitive bidding. It now goes back to the lower house for consideration of Senate changes.

Automobile Insurance: Approved on a 36-0 vote a bill (AB 896) by Assemblyman Thomas M. Hannigan (D-Fairfield) to restrict access to state records on traffic accidents to prevent unwarranted automobile insurance rate increases or policy cancellations. It now goes back to the Assembly for consideration of Senate amendments.
