

Times Staff Writer

Will hold an “arson busters” press conference with Smokey the Bear, Los Angeles Raiders pro football players and Fire Department officials in Los Angeles on Tuesday.

Will speak on Friday at the annual Sacramento Host Breakfast, which brings together many of the state’s top business leaders.

Will be the keynote speaker at the California Republican Party’s annual convention in San Diego next Saturday.


Assembly Floor Action:

Ethics and Civic Values: Approved and sent to the governor on a 65-4 vote a bill (SB69) by Sen. Robert Presley (D-Riverside) to set up a $500,000 experimental project to develop a program of ethics and civic values to be taught in the public schools.

Poaching: Approved on a 7l-4 vote a bill (SB1019) by Sen. John Doolittle (R-Citrus Heights) to double the penalty for illegal killing of wild animals to a $2,000 fine or one year in county jail or both. It now goes back to the Senate for consideration of Assembly amendments.

Senate Floor Action: Drunk Driving: Approved on a 26-0 vote a bill (AB331) by Assemblyman Richard Katz (D-Sepulveda) to require a mandatory 48-hour jail sentence for a first-degree drunk-driving conviction if the motorist refuses to take a sobriety test. It now goes back to the Assembly for consideration of Senate amendments.


Liquor in Candy: Approved on a 21-17 vote a bill (AB503) by Assemblyman Larry Stirling (R-San Diego) to increase the permissible alcoholic content of candy from 0.5% to 5%. It now goes back to the lower house for concurrence in amendments.

School Administrator-Teachers: Approved on a 22-3 vote a bill (AB888) by Assemblywoman Maxine Waters (D-Los Angeles) to require periodic classroom teaching assignments for school administrators if their regular work includes teacher evaluations. It now goes back to the Assembly for final legislative action.

Pre-Need Funeral Arrangements: Approved on a 25-5 vote a bill (AB1804) by Assemblyman Louis J. Papan (D-Millbrae) to rewrite the law governing pre-need funeral arrangements to allow morticians to use income from trust funds if they guarantee a funeral at a set price. It now returns to the Assembly for consideration of Senate amendments. The bill is similar to previous measures vetoed by Gov. George Deukmejian and then-Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr.


Committee Action: Death Penalty: The Senate Appropriations Committee approved a bill (AB989) by Assemblyman Gary A. Condit (D-Ceres) to add a number of special circumstances under which the death penalty can be applied. The vote was 6 to 0. The bill now goes to the Senate floor. If approved by the Legislature and signed by the governor, the measure would appear on the ballot for voter ratification.
