
Auto Parts Store Damaged by Blaze in Newport Beach

An intense fire damaged the front half of a two-story Newport Beach auto parts business Saturday afternoon, a city Fire Department spokeswoman said. No one was injured.

About 30 firefighters rushed to the fire at the Beacon Auto Parts store, 480 N. Newport Blvd., at 2:15 p.m. and had it under control 30 minutes later, she said.

Workers already had gone home for the day, and no one was in the building at the time the fire broke out, she said.


The fire spread through both floors of the stucco building but was contained to the front half of the structure.

An estimate of damages was not immediately available, the spokeswoman said.

The fire was so intense, the spokeswoman said, that firefighters could not determine the source of the blaze.

An investigation into the cause of the fire is continuing, she said.

With all its firefighters on the scene, Newport Beach got help from one Costa Mesa unit, and fire stations in Costa Mesa, Santa Ana and Orange County were on alert to cover any other calls in the city.
