
Guru Rajneesh Plans to Burn Aide’s Books

Associated Press

Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh plans to hold a mass burning Monday of copies of hisbook of Rajneeshism, which was put together by a top aide who fled from the cult two weeks ago, a spokeswoman said.

Rajneesh is doing away with everything that includes the word Rajneeshism, including the Academy of Rajneeshism in this commune-city, Ma Prem Sunshine said Friday.

There was no indication that the cult would disband, or that Rajneesh would no longer serve as its leader.


In lectures last week, the Indian guru told his followers that “Rajneeshism” and “Rajneeshees” have ceased to exist. He also said they no longer are required to wear red-hued clothing--which signifies sunrise--or lockets containing his photograph.

Tears, Laughter

Rajneesh’s announcements Thursday brought a mixture of tears and laughter, said Sunshine.

“He has always taught that any ‘ism’ is an ugly word and that organized religion results in exploitation of the individual,” said Sunshine. “And now it’s not just a belief system; it’s our experience that that is true.”

Copies of the book will be burned Monday after a news conference, Sunshine said.

In renouncing the Book of Rajneeshism, a small red volume that outlines his beliefs, Rajneesh said it was put together by his former personal secretary, Ma Anand Sheela. Sheela, one of about a dozen top lieutenants who left the commune two weeks ago, has been denounced by the guru on a variety of charges, which are now being investigated by federal, state and local law enforcement agencies.


Earlier last week, Sheela, who had been in West Germany, was quoted as denying Rajneesh’s charge that she had created a $55-million debt at his commune in a fraud scheme and diverted some of the funds to a Swiss bank account.
