
Adult-Only Mobile Parks

I would like to respond to the letter from Mr. and Mrs. Ron Forde (Times, Oct. 6). The Fordes are again decrying the status of adults-only mobile home parks.

As manager of the park in which the Fordes reside (Paradise Cove) I take issue with some of their statements. They claim it is a waste to sell to “single persons, childless couples or older couples.” Why? Must a person be married, pre-adolescent or have children to appreciate the beauty of this place? There are 225 homes in Paradise Cove without children who seem to be surviving without the “bubbling up and vigor of youth.”

For the sake of brevity I won’t go into the myriad of reasons that made it necessary to implement the adults-only rule in the first place. However, when the rule did go into effect, the families that lived here with children were not asked to move nor to curtail the size of their families.


The Fordes see childless communities as “bleak, cold, and stagnant.” Many mobile home park residents see it as serene, neat and flourishing.

I just thought I would give you the view of others in Paradise Cove.


Paradise Cove Manager
