
‘Reagan Blunders Rattle the World’

The effort by Joseph Kraft is appreciated. It is the latest warning in an increasing tide of danger to the nation brought on by zany White House leadership.

The big question here is not the degree of wisdom of our political leaders. It is where were these writers five years ago? The abilities, or lack of them, and the phobias of the President were as well known then as they are now.

Can it be that the Establishment has begun to fear for its own welfare? The big money that flooded this country with oceans of false propaganda did not use the work of mature writers to any extent unless they said “uncle.” Their work helped greatly in brainwashing the electorate to elect Reagan.


Now that fear-waves are beginning to jolt our influential circles there is a radical change of view.

The only reasonable conclusion is that the Establishment is hoist on its own petard.


