
Local News in Brief : Mayor Approves Height Curb for Boulevard in Studio City

Mayor Tom Bradley Wednesday signed into law an urgency ordinance applying a high-rise building moratorium on Ventura Boulevard to Studio City.

In a related development, Studio City developer Walt Asher said Wednesday that he will seek an exemption to the moratorium to build a four-story office building on Ventura Boulevard at Riverton Avenue. The moratorium prohibits buildings taller than three stories.

Asher said he believes he has a good chance of succeeding because the project is supported by the Studio City Residents Assn. He also has hired prominent City Hall lobbyist Philip Krakover.


Dan Shapiro, president of the residents association, said Wednesday that his group supports Asher’s project because Asher has made concessions, including agreeing to provide free parking in order to keep cars off residential streets.

Shapiro said he saw no inconsistency in the residents’ support of a four-story project after advocating a three-story limit. “The goal here is to come up with good development that is going to enhance the area and mitigate the adverse consequences,” he said.

The measure signed by Bradley is similar to a ban on buildings taller than three stories imposed last month on Ventura Boulevard through Sherman Oaks, Encino, Tarzana and Woodland Hills. It is designed to give the city time to prepare a plan linking development to transportation improvements on the congested thoroughfare.


Studio City was not included in the earlier measure because the Studio City Residents Assn. did not support it until it was made more restrictive, Shapiro said. The Studio City measure includes tighter parking requirements.
