
Marxism in the Classroom

Scott Warren subverts his own cause for educational freedom for searching for truth. You see, there are a lot of us priests who are jesters. But he comes across as a priest of the jesters. Hurrah for his stand against any organization such as Accuracy in Academia (AIA) who in the name of freedom subverts freedom. He does, however, need to be careful about clothing the jester in AIA clothes as well as clothing the priest only in AIA clothes.

There is a distinct difference between balancing the truth and juggling it. Jesters have been known for being excellent jugglers as well as AIA type priests. Yet we do not have to become unbalanced ourselves because of this juggling. Thank you, Mr. Warren, for raising our consciousness level against any form of narrowness, priest or jester, and for promoting freedom to ring in the “pursuit of truth”.


