
Anaheim’s Law on Billboards

Thank you for calling to my attention the Anaheim billboard ordinance. Your news coverage and editorial were very useful.

This feels like a time warp. All of the arguments that were valid and useful 20 years ago must be trotted out again and presented to three Anaheim City Council members who are open to the entreaties of the billboard lobby.

Freeway billboards not only assail the beauty of our open space but they also distract drivers and increase the possibility of accidents.


Are the concerns of the citizens being heard? For whose benefit are Mayor Don Roth and Councilmen Irv Pickler and Ben Bay rescinding a longstanding and useful ordinance? I feel it is an abdication of public trust for these men to subject our city to an increase of “white-collar graffiti.”

I believe that the behavior that is involved in this time-consuming and costly process is cynical and self-serving.

Let the citizens be heard and prohibit the return to legalized blight.


