
Deadline Near for Comments on Energy Law

Energy consultant Richard A. Palmer is urging all California home builders to complete and return their California Energy Commission questionnaires as soon as possible to meet the Feb. 21 deadline for comments on AB 163, which became law in 1983.

“About 80% of all homes constructed in Southern California use all or a portion of the AB 163 methods for complying with the state residential energy building standards,” Palmer said. “It is absolutely essential that the building industry does not lose proven advantages for the home buyer.”

The bill, which could expire next January under the state’s sunset provisions, permits builders to customize their energy calculations based on the actual house configuration, detached, attached or high density. It is much more flexible than the original Title 24 energy standards that are based on a single-story, 1,150-square-foot detached house on a large lot, he said.


Copies of the questionnaire can be obtained from Palmer at 1910 E. Warner Ave., Suite A, Santa Ana, Calif. 92705.
