
Sadie B. Clark New Head of County Planning Panel

Sadie B. Clark, a real estate broker in the southwest area of Los Angeles, has assumed chairmanship of the county Regional Planning Commission, succeeding Stanley Gould.

The commission was established in 1923 to act as an advisory body to the county Board of Supervisors on all planning and zoning matters. The five planning commissioners formulate planning policies and conduct public hearings on countywide and community plans, tentative subdivision maps, zone changes and use permits.

Clark represents the 2nd Supervisorial District and was appointed to the Regional Planning Commission on Nov. 18, 1975 on recommendation of Supervisor Kenneth Hahn.


Clark is a graduate of Grambling State University in Grambling, La. Before becoming a real estate broker, she was an elementary school teacher in Louisiana and an administrative assistant for the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers.

George Lefcoe, professor of the USC Law Center, is commission vice chairman . He was appointed on recommendatio of Supervisor Edmund D. Edelman.
