
Passport Makes It Official--Bonner Can Stay Until June

Associated Press

Yelena Bonner’s passport, stamped with a three-month visa extension, arrived in the mail today, confirming reports that the Soviet activist would be allowed to stay in the United States for more medical treatment, a relative said.

“It takes a lot of pressure off her and us,” said Bonner’s son-in-law, Efrem Yankelevich.

Yankelevich said Bonner’s stay was extended to June 2, when she will return to her home in Gorky, where she lives in internal exile with her husband, Nobel Peace Prize-winner Andrei D. Sakharov.

Bonner was on vacation today and unavailable for comment, said Yankelevich, who would not reveal her whereabouts.


Yankelevich said Bonner needs more time for treatment of glaucoma in her eyes and blocked arteries in her legs. Both procedures are scheduled for early March at Massachusetts General Hospital.
