
The Article Was Small, Smaller Than the School

I am writing in response to Steve Lowery’s article on St. Margaret’s and small high school basketball (Feb. 12). The article, which seemed to be written for no other reason than to put down small schools, had a number of errors. One, St. Margaret’s is not Lutheran, it is Episcopal. Two, the girl’s uniform does not include a plaid skirt. Three, this is the school’s fourth year, and its first year to have seniors. So, until now St. Margaret’s has not needed a gym. Four, the reporter obviously has never compared a carpeted court to a wood one for he would have known that the differences are few and in many ways carpet is better. Five, the reporter noted our other buildings but did not note they were for our 500 lower school students. In addition, he made no reference to the school’s excellence in preparing its students for college, which is the school’s major focus.

Wade Mitchell Ogletree

Mission Viejo
