
ON THE TOWN: Can you imagine what...

ON THE TOWN: Can you imagine what a bunch of Devo songs might sound like if they were performed by Drew Barrymore? If not, then you need to see Visiting Kids, a new group put together by performance artist Nancye Ferguson, which features an all-star local supporting cast backing up Ferguson and two Tiger Beat tots, Autumn Kimble, 9, and Alex Mothersbaugh, 7. The oddball group, backed up Devo-daddy Bob Mothersbaugh on guitar, Sparks’ David Kendrick on drums and the Fibonaccis’ Tom Corey on bass, played the Roxy last weekend in a show that featured paddy-cake high fives, military salutes and all the other moves that haven’t been seen on stage since Shirley Temple reached puberty. With the wee ones dressed in white Communion dresses, they performed such ditties as “Who Stole My Barbie Doll?,” “Microwave Babies” and “Trilobites,” which featured the immortal lyrics: “None of them could see, none of them could breathe and none of them could leave. . . . “ No one’s saying this goofy fantasy ensemble is going to stir up a big record company bidding war, but it’s hard to complain about a pair of precocious popsters who never forget their lyrics, cover their mouths when they cough and croon with the kind of piercing falsettos that could bend windows blocks away.
