
U.S. Churchwomen Protest Contra Aid

United Press International

Two hundred women from American churches stretched colorful hand-sewn banners and ribbons in front of the U.S. Embassy on Friday to protest what they called President Reagan’s immoral support for rebels opposed to the Sandinista regime.

Alicia Ramirez, a Roman Catholic lay worker from Denver, said the demonstrators were “especially concerned” about Reagan’s campaign for congressional approval of another $100 million in aid for the guerrillas known as contras fighting the Nicaraguan government.

“We want to show our disapproval of the Reagan Administration’s immoral efforts to overthrow a legitimately elected government,” Ramirez said. “Maybe this can wake up consciousness at home, especially with the Congress vote coming up.”

From 25 States

The roughly 200 women and a few men, who traveled to Managua from about 25 states, placed a cardboard replica of the embassy in the street in front of the mission and formed a circle of ribbons and banners around the replica.
