
‘What’s the Beef?’

Your front-page story of (March 4), “What’s the Beef?” failed to take into consideration that higher consciousness is also a contributing factor to the decline in consumption of red meat.

More and more young people are waking up to the fact that “meat is murder” (also the title song of an album made in England), and most people taper off of flesh food by first cutting out red meat, then chicken and then fish.

Meat of any kind is not necessary to our diet and has been proven to cause all kinds of health problems.


If God really intended us to murder other beings for our sustenance (Isaiah 66:3: “He who killeth an ox is as if he slew a man”), he wouldn’t arrange for humans to pay for their barbarity with meat-induced cancer, strokes, diabetes, heart disease and, more recently, hormone, antibiotic and chemical poisoning from purposely polluted (to save breeders money) animal feed.


