
GovernorWill attend a reelection campaign fund-raising reception...

Times Staff Writer


Will attend a reelection campaign fund-raising reception for Senate Minority Leader James W. Nielsen (R-Rohnert Park) in Sacramento on Wednesday night.

Will attend the California Republican Assembly annual convention in Fresno on Saturday.

Assembly Bills Introduced:

Raw Milk: AB 4414 by Assemblyman Lloyd G. Connelly (D-Sacramento) would require a warning label to be displayed on raw milk cartons and packaged raw milk products stating that the contents are not pasteurized and can cause illness in humans. A violation of the labeling requirement would be a misdemeanor. Senate Bills Introduced:

Airport Problems: SCR 80 by Sen. Art Torres (D-South Pasadena) would establish a 10-member state commission on aviation and airports, appointed by the Senate president pro tem and the Assembly Speaker, to review airport problems and safety issues and make recommendations to the Legislature.


Afghanistan Aid: SJR 51 by Sen. John Doolittle (R-Citrus Heights) asks President Reagan and the Congress to reaffirm condemnation of the continued aggression by the Soviet Union against Afghanistan and to provide humanitarian and military aid to the Afghan resistance movement. Miscellany

Who?: Gov. George Deukmejian recently received a $1,000 campaign contribution from an Arnold Schwarzenegger of Venice, Calif., according to the governor’s campaign report. The person who prepared the report, obviously not a movie fan, noted under the donor’s occupation category, “information requested.” Muscle man Schwarzenegger is well known for his physique and for his starring roles in “Commando” and “The Terminator,” two recent action-adventure films that proved popular at the box office.
