
El Toro : Train Schedules Back on Track After Derailment

Normal train traffic along the Los Angeles-to-San Diego Main Line resumed Tuesday, a day after a Santa Fe freight car derailed in El Toro, causing delays that affected 1,200 Amtrak passengers.

The disruption caused cancellation of two Amtrak trains Monday evening, forcing passengers to board buses to arrive at their destinations.

Two trains that had already left Los Angeles were forced to stop in Santa Ana, where passengers got on buses that dropped them off in Oceanside, said Arthur Lloyd, Amtrak spokesman in San Francisco.


Lloyd said a southbound train that left Los Angeles at 8:45 p.m. was delayed until the track was reopened about 9:30 p.m. Monday.

The derailment caused only minor track damage. The freight car had derailed on one set of wheels, a Santa Fe spokesman said.
