
The Region - News from April 2, 1986

The Great Peace March for Nuclear Disarmament pressed on through the Mojave Desert toward Nevada after spending the night camped near Baker, about 50 miles from the state line. “They’re out in the middle of nowhere,” said Vicki Jugenheimer, a California Highway Patrol dispatcher. The estimated 275 marchers hiked along remote Powerline Road, which at some points is as far as 12 miles from Interstate 15, the main highway to Las Vegas. Because of organizational and financial problems, the marchers have been more than a month getting out of California. For nearly two weeks, marchers were stranded in Barstow because of the collapse of PRO-Peace, its first organizing agency. Their new organization, called The Great Peace March for Nuclear Disarmament Inc., has raised $60,000, which should be enough to get to Las Vegas, said spokeswoman Elizabeth Fairchild. They hope to reach Washington in nine months.
