
The Region - News from April 2, 1986

State game officials advised residents of the community of Tierrasanta to be on their guard after receiving a report that a poodle was killed by a mountain lion prowling canyon areas near their northeastern San Diego neighborhood. State Fish and Game Department officials are recommending caution with children and pets in light of an attack 10 days ago on 5-year-old Laura Small by a mountain lion in Orange County. She suffered severe head and eye injuries. Frank Moller said he was walking his dog near his home on Easter Sunday when a cougar snatched the 15-pound poodle in its mouth and ran away. Meanwhile, a veterinarian who dissected the cat that mauled Laura Small said the animal had no detectable disease or other abnormalities. Authorities had theorized that starvation or disease may have driven the cat to attack. Dr. H. J. Holshuh said the cougar appeared to be a healthy male between 12 and 18 months old.
