
‘He or She Is a Sexist’

In response to the editorial, I believe that, rather than an unsolved problem, you have a “non-problem.” I don’t use, nor do I propose others should use, the linguistic abominations “he/she” or “he or she.” I normally just substitute “she,” “her,” etc. in place of the archaic “he” and “him.” If the self-proclaimed experts are correct in that the masculine forms are really “sex neutral,” then it seems to me to follow that the feminine forms should be likewise.

So who could complain? Surely not the feminists. And even if I’m wrong, the look and sound of the prose is very refreshing to me. It’s also interesting to see who complains and upon what they base their complaint!

I hereby admonish all writers to take up my method of “solving” the so-called problems. If nothing else, it puts a thorn in the seat of many sexists in disguise. At least try it, and see how odd it feels to be “on the other side.”



Shadow Hills
