
Orange County Roundup : 6 SCATS Gymnasts Entered in American Classic

Six members of the Southern California Acro Team (SCATS) will compete in the American Classic competition today and Saturday at Orem, Utah.

The top 20 all-around scorers will advance to the U.S. championships at Indianapolis in June. The top performers at the U.S. championships will be selected to compete in the Goodwill Games at Moscow.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. April 12, 1986 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Saturday April 12, 1986 Orange County Edition Sports Part 3 Page 17 Column 4 Sports Desk 2 inches; 37 words Type of Material: Correction
The SuperStar Showcase Basketball League at Cerritos Community College will hold registration at 6 p.m. Sunday at Cerritos. The league will be open to all 1986 high school seniors and junior college players, not to college juniors and seniors as was reported Friday.

Competing in the senior division (age 15 and up) will be Marie Roethlisberger, Kristine Johnson, Amy Thorne and Doe Yamashiro of Huntington Beach and Sabrina Mar of Monterey Park. Misty Rosas of Elsinore will be the sole SCAT competitor in the junior division (age 14 and under).


Roethlisberger, 19, is the defending American Classic all-around champion. Both she and Mar, who is ranked No. 1 in the country, will compete in a dual meet against the Soviet Union at Boston on Saturday, April 26.

The Rossmoor Athletic Club of Seal Beach is sponsoring a series of sports clinics for high school and college students and coaches. The first begins Saturday.

Registration is $20. Coaches who register five students or more will be admitted free.

The clinics, to be run on four consecutive weekends, are run by Jack Snow, former Los Angeles Rams and Notre Dame wide receiver. Saturday’s clinic will feature Dr. Gary Tuthill, the former Rams trainer. Tuthill will discuss methods of preventing injuries and conditioning.


Mark Paulson, strength and conditioning coach at Cal State Long Beach, will host a session on nutrition April 19. Mitch Lewis, head trainer for the U.S. national judo and sculling teams, will speak on strength April 26.

The May 3 session will focus on the abuse of drugs, including steroids.

The ninth Golden West College Invitational Softball Tournament begins tonight at 6 in Huntington Beach. Entered are six community colleges from California and four from Arizona, including defending champion Arizona Central.

The championship game is scheduled for Sunday at 1 p.m. Tickets are $3 per game for adults and $1 per game for students. Tournament passes are available for $10.


Saturday morning’s Run for Orangewood in Irvine will begin Orangewood Week, a fund-raising event for the child abuse programs of the Orangewood Foundation. The race starts at the Fluor Recreation Park near Carlson Avenue and Michelson Drive at 7:30.

Entries for a 5K or 10K run are available for $14, which includes a T-shirt and pancake breakfast, or $9 for the race only. Competitors may enter a second event for an additional $1. Sign-ups will be taken at the park from 6 until 7:15 a.m. For more information, call Orangewood at 756-8935.

Cal State Fullerton and Chapman College will be the sites of the 37th Annual Southern California Municipal Athletic Assn. adult basketball tournament April 18-20.

Five Orange County teams will compete in the tournament. They were selected during the Orange County Municipal Athletic Assn. tournament hosted recently by the City of Fullerton.

Registration for the upcoming SuperStar Basketball League will be held at Cerritos College Sunday at 6 p.m. The league, which will conducted from April 18-May 18, is open to all college players who are juniors or seniors. The fee for entry in the 10-game league is $75.

The Newport Harbor Lawn Bowling Club will host a tournament April 18. Contact Bob Hicks for further information at 644-4138.


The 19th UC Irvine Invitational Karate Championships will be held Sunday in Crawford Hall. Some of the nation’s top competitors are expected to compete in the event, which is open to the public.
