
Now, Scheer Says, Clippers Owe <i> Him</i>

Carl Scheer, fired Tuesday as the Clipper general manager, said the club will refund about half of the nearly $10,000 he repaid for personal expenses that he allegedly owed the team.

A story in the March 15 editions of The Times, quoting team documents, said Scheer had charged $9,874.42 in personal expenses to the team. The documents indicated that, through payroll deductions imposed upon him by team management, Scheer had repaid all of the money.

Scheer said Tuesday that after the story was published, an accountant he hired determined that nearly $5,000 of the money the club viewed as personal expenses was actually business-related. According to Scheer, Andy Roeser, the club’s chief financial officer, has agreed to repay Scheer.


Clipper President Alan Rothenberg could not be reached for comment.

“It’s now $5,000 in personal expenses, not $10,000, as those memos previously said,” Scheer said. “So, if it’s only $5,000, I don’t become a crook in any way, not that I considered myself that in the first place.”
