
David J. Stevenson, a planetary science professor...

David J. Stevenson, a planetary science professor at Caltech in Pasadena, has been elected a fellow of the American Geophysical Union. Stevenson, a resident of Altadena, is conducting research on Jupiter’s largest moons and the magnetic fields of Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus.

Gerald J. Wasserburg, a geology and geophysics professor at Caltech in Pasadena, has been awarded the 1986 Crafoord Prize of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Wasserburg, a resident of Altadena, is director of Caltech’s Lunatic Asylum, a center for the study of moon rocks and meteorites.

Eleanor Cohen, former mayor of Claremont, has been awarded the Donald G. Hagman Regional Citizen Award by the Southern California Assn. of Governments. Cohen served on theClaremont City Council for 10 years, including one term as mayor in 1980.


Mary Munsil, a senior at Scripps College in Claremont,has received a 1986 Mellon Fellowship in Humanities. Munsil will use the $8,500 award to study English literature.

Nicola Keller of San Gabriel has been elected Woman of the Year by the American Business Women’s Assn., San Gabriel Valley chapter. Keller is executive assistant and office manager for the Carver Co., a commercial real estate agency in San Gabriel.

Clyde W. Warren of Pomona has been reappointed to the Frank G. Bonelli Regional County Park and Recreation Authority Commission by Pete Schabarum, chairman of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors.


Dorothy Cohen has been elected president of the South Pasadena League of Women Voters. Kay Gerletti will serve as first vice president and Evelyn Abrahamson will be second vice president.
