
Santa Ana

Man Escapes Abductors: A Santa Ana man was confronted in his apartment complex by a trio of young men who tried to rob him, found he had no money and abducted him, police said. Officer Collie Provence said Gholam Bhaghayegh, 32, managed to escape, but his assailants fled in his car. Bhaghayegh was walking from the parking lot to his apartment in the 2800 block of Fairview Road about 3 a.m. Wednesday when he noticed three young men “loitering,” Provence said. The men asked him for directions to an apartment, then one of them held a knife behind him. They asked Bhaghayegh for money, and he gave them his wallet in which there was only a dollar in change, Provence said. He said the victim was forced into his car and driven to an industrial area in the 3200 block of South Susan Street. Bhaghayegh said he was ordered to lie on the ground but ran instead. The suspects fled. Provence said Bhaghayegh flagged down someone in the area, who drove him to a pay phone to call police.
