
Shooting by Victim’s Father

This is in regard to the issue of John D. Spiegelman, accused of shooting and wounding the man accused of murdering his 18-year-old daughter (Times, April 13), “Court Shooting--Crime Victims Worried.”

Although fully aware that this action was totally wrong and misguided, I could not help but feel that under the same circumstances, I might have reacted in a similar manner.

Granted we cannot take the law into our own hands, but the senseless murder of a child leaves no room for patience with a legal system that releases convicted killers or pampers and protects them in mental institutions at my expense. Where is justice?


I cannot, of course, condone Spiegelman’s actions, but neither can I judge them. I hope that the legal system will take into consideration Spiegelman’s emotional ordeal and regard him with leniency. I wish him peace.


Los Angeles
