
Dornan’s ‘Little Jew’ Remarks

Let me ask Dornan these questions:

1--Did he ever refer to a person who became pro-Soviet as “that little Catholic,” or “that little Presbyterian,” or “that little Lutheran,” or “that little Unitarian”? etc. etc. (I am sure he didn’t.) But a “renegade Jew” is fair game for him.

2--Did he ever apply the descriptive term “big spender” to Ronald Reagan--who is the biggest spender of all time in the office of the presidency?

3--Why did he call Vladimir Posner a “little Jew” when he knew that Posner is no longer Jewish, that Posner turned against Soviet Jews (his own statement)? In what way was Posner a “little Jew” to Dornan? Certainly, not according to his own facts.

May I add that Dornan going to Israel seems more related to Easter and visiting Jesus’ (a little Jew in his time) tomb.


Dornan reminds me of the bigot who says “my best friends are Jews” when he protests his feelings toward Israel. He is pro-Israel because Israel is anti-Soviet Union.

Dornan is a dangerous man in the House--a man who easily flies off the handle and to whom everyone is classified in stereotypes, i.e., liberal equals big spender, conservative equals blind allegiance to fearless leader equals good guy, etc.

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Van Nuys
