
EASTER (Eastern churches)

Eastern Orthodox faithful--Christians of mostly Greek, Russian, Eastern European and Eastern Mediterranean heritage--will culminate Holy Week celebrations tonight with a Resurrection Service starting before midnight and lasting into the early morning.

HISTORY: Although Easter will be celebrated by western and eastern Christendom on the same day, April 19, in 1987, the traditional calculations based on church council decisions and varying church calendars usually mean the resurrection of Jesus is observed on different dates. Orthodox churches additionally stipulate that Easter must follow the Jewish holiday of Passover to conform to biblical accounts of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Eastern Rite churches--those of Eastern ethnic background but with allegiance to Rome--celebrated Easter this year on March 30, the date designated on the western church calendars.

CELEBRATIONS: Candlelight rituals and incense fill the Orthodox churches during their midnight liturgies. Local parish traditions vary, but many will have a smaller service later on Sunday. An estimated 10,000 Eastern Orthodox Christians are expected to attend an Easter picnic from 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. sponsored by Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Church in Pasadena’s Brookside Park.
