
L.A. Library Fire Stirs Memories of Early Days

The fire at the Los Angeles Central Library brought back vivid memories of its early days in this city of my birth.

Well do I remember the family trek (in our family Studebaker) to the downtown Main Library, situated on two floors of the Metropolitan building (gone now, I think)--religiously, every Friday.

Adult literature was on one floor--children’s on the other. Our family parted in the elevator, Mama and Papa to their favorite stacks.


At that time, fairy tales and idealistic stories about dogs and girls like “The Little Colonel Series” by Annie Fellows Johnston, were my favorites.

Five books were the limit to take out. Always, our family reunited with the maximum take-out number. After library, we always went for a “pineapple smash”--ice cream mashed with pineapple syrup and crushed pineapple. Yum, yum!

This new library was the city’s dream. What wonderful, mural-covered walls and particularly the ceiling! For Los Angeles it was really stretching out from those two floors in the Metropolitan building. For years and years we were regular participants of this glorious book sanctuary.


The years have brought changes. Branch libraries have flourished. Downtown parking problems have mounted. In recent years, library patronage has dwindled. It’s a shame! But--maybe this fire will stimulate and bring new life and activity to this precious landmark! Oh, I hope so.

One reason this fire was special to me--my grandson has just become a rookie L.A. City firefighter! He has passed grueling physical and mental tests--and still has months of probation. But he was on hand for the library fire--his first major assignment. He entered the flames three times, held a hose, and helped cover the books with plastic. He was tired, but unhurt, afterwards.


Los Angeles
