
‘Fervor Gives Way to Reason’

Goodwin’s article blasting and demeaning President Reagan’s bombing action in Libya is unfair and biased. I take strong exception.

Goodwin, a talented phrase-maker, knows how to make the reader uncomfortable and ashamed over our failure to exercise reason, judgment and caution against a terrorist foe with proven contempt for the U.S.A.

Why should terrorism take a back seat to the longstanding problems of nuclear arms, poverty at home, poisoned air, Third World relations, etc.? Before begging forgiveness for the Libyan bombing, I remind Goodwin that his fancy platitudes fail to explain to us “commoners” how we can enjoy our “life, liberty and pursuit of happiness” without first eradicating the horrors of indiscriminate terrorism.


I suggest Goodwin leave his ivory tower for the ground floor and listen hard to the majority of American citizens who want immediate protection from the murderous fanatics spawned in Libya.


La Quinta
