

What does it take to get “preferential usher treatment” at Universal Amphitheatre events? Simple: $11,000.

That’s one of the perks being offered with a charter membership (for two) in the Amphitheatre’s new Premiere Seat Program. That’ll also get you the best seats in the house (with engraved nameplates!), a VIP cocktail party, free parking and entry to the private Encore Club for drinks. Oh, and “a special engraved silver key fob which instantly identifies you to all Amphitheatre personnel.”

Claudia Rebmann, special events veep, said that the program is “mostly for corporations.” As in tax-deductible (at least for now; who knows what will be deductible in 1987?).


We hope that ushers won’t treat non-deductible folk less than hospitably while looking out for those key fobs.
