
Most Local Officials Support Gallegly : McClintock, Goldwater Endorse Hope

With the GOP primary just days away, congressional candidate Tony Hope received two more endorsements Friday, from Assemblyman Tom McClintock (R-Thousand Oaks) and former U.S. Rep. Barry Goldwater Jr. (R-Woodland Hills).

Tony Hope, an attorney and the son of entertainer Bob Hope, and his opponent, Simi Valley Mayor Elton Gallegly, have been scurrying to see who could obtain the most endorsements in the 21st Congressional District race.

Hope, who worked for 10 years in Washington, has used his business and family ties to obtain endorsements from national figures such as former President Gerald R. Ford and others.


Most of the elected local officials in the 21st District have endorsed Gallegly.

McClintock said he decided to support Hope because of his Washington experience, which he termed “very, very important.”

“I need a congressman who can be an effective advocate for our district in Washington, D.C.,” McClintock said at a press conference at Hope’s campaign headquarters.

After endorsing Hope, McClintock complimented the third GOP candidate, Tom La Porte, a Thousand Oaks stockbroker. McClintock several days ago had referred to La Porte as “a rising star in the Republican Party” and said he was the candidate he was “most impressed with.”


On Friday, McClintock said of La Porte, “I think someday he will make an outstanding representative of our area in whatever capacity he chooses to run in.”
