

Outtakes went to the movies to compile a supplemental guide to keeping track of bodies in “Cobra.” Note that our list may not be definitive, because explosions can confuse the count.

First, the good guys:

15 dead at start of film (victims of the Night Slasher).

1 man in supermarket with gun.

1 woman in car with special knife.

1 woman in car (under freeway overpass) with special knife.

2 men (photographer and busi nessman) in garage with axes.

1 security guard in garage smashed into wall by a speed ing van.

1 hospital attendant with special knife.

1 woman in hospital bed with special knife.

1 nurse in hospital with special knife.

1 security guard in factory with gun.

Total dead good guys: 25.

The bad guys:

1 psycho in supermarket with Cobra’s knife-gun combo.

2 killers outside Cobra’s home with guns.

2 killers in car on freeway with machine guns.

27 on motorcycles with various guns.

2 with grenades.

1 run over by truck.

2 with grenades triggered when shot by a gun.

1 set afire in factory by flip of an electrical switch.

1 by fists (death not certain--but he’s out cold).

1 man drenched in gasoline and set afire by Cobra’s match).

1 woman shot (by a psycho-bud dy).

1, and finally, the baddest of the bad is beaten by Cobra, im paled on a gigantic hook and incinerated.

Total dead bad guys: 42.

And a grand total: 67.
