
Cal Thomas on Abortion

This letter is written to bring up an important point Cal Thomas refused to address in his article.

Yes, most women who have abortions feel guilt, sadness, emptiness and always a feeling that they wished for an alternate way out. However, many of these women had the baby in mind when they made their choice. How many times have you seen the tragedy of an unfit or ill-prepared mother who ultimately did not want her baby? The results are shocking and extremely disheartening.

There are few social services today to help mothers who are unfit. Ironic enough is the fact I have never heard specific plans to address this issue by “right-to-lifers”! If these people find it so easy to attack the choice of a mother who questions her ability to care for and love her baby, why have I never heard the rest of their story; tales of the consequences, which are as important as having the child itself.



Los Angeles
