
Providing Recovery Programs for Problem Drinkers

Your editorial (“Treatment for Public Drunks,” June 30), was simple and to the point but “public drunks” is not what I would have chosen to describe people who are allergic to alcohol or those who cannot just have one drink because then their obsession to have another one won’t leave them.

The American Medical Assn. has defined and has accepted alcoholism as an illness, and it should be referred to and be treated as such, whether public or not.

Our civic leaders can lead by example. They should provide help for people to recover from this disease, which not only kills the alcoholic but also does extensive harm to family, friends, neighbors, pets and property.


There is proof now that a recovering alcoholic, who once may have been a menace to society, can become a productive citizen by staying free of alcohol and drugs. I should know. I have been a recovering alcoholic for several years, and I know that with proper assistance people with the obsession to drink are able to stop--”one day at a time.”

The Orange County Board of Supervisors should provide “complete alcohol recovery programs” and “join the 20th Century in the treatment of problem drinkers,” as your editorial suggests.


