
Fund-Raiser and Elephants

I can’t believe the ignorance and insensitivity of public relations coordinator Gloria Zigner in her remarks about the menu for Opera Pacific’s recent fund-raiser (June 19). Quote Zigner: “We were going to have elephant until Sylvian found out you have to order a whooole elephant.”

Is Newport Beach society so jaded that it allows this absurd woman to contemplate a menu that includes the slaughter and consumption of one of the world’s most beloved animals? Obviously, if Zigner could have obtained a lesser quantity of elephant she would have done so and considered it ever so trendy.

If this is indicative of how far one-upmanship has come in the fund-raising game, I think it’s time to take a long, hard look at ourselves. The slaughter of these magnificent creatures should not be encouraged under any circumstances. It’s appalling that it’s even sold!


Zigner and Opera Pacific should hang their heads in shame.


